It’s Christmas Eve and it feels like a good time to get in touch with everyone, as I have a few things to share.
When it comes to this time of year, there is always a huge focus on food and drink, whether you like it or not. And there seem to be two schools of thought around how to approach it.
Approach number 1 is the “fuck it” attitude i.e. “It’s Christmas and I will eat whatever the heck I like” attitude. Approach number 2 is the “restraint” attitude, involving pushing a few sprouts around a plate and politely declining your share of xmas pud.
I personally don’t think either attitude is particularly healthy. On the one hand, Christmas is a time to celebrate and to be with the people you care about most, and I genuinely think that sitting around a table, savouring beautiful home cooked food is a great way to celebrate. Not partaking in events just to save your waistline seems daft. That being said, I do think that too many people just go way overboard and stuff themselves silly. Eating for eatings sake, having three portions of pudding and forcing down endless cheese and port, just because it’s there. There is no joy to feeling bloated and uncomfortable, not to mention gassy!
So my advice is this:
– Have whatever you want, but make sure you stay in tune with your hunger levels.
– Remember that food keeps! Nothing has to go to waste, and you can enjoy whatever you don’t get round to tomorrow on boxing day or over the weekend instead.
– Do some exercise. Yes really! Go for a Christmas walk or try a quick once through effort of my “12 leaps of Xmas” workout.
– Whatever you do eat / drink, enjoy it! That is crucial. There should NEVER be guilt attached to the pleasure of nourishing your body.
As for me, my belly will inevitably get bigger over the next few days, and not because I’m boozing it up to the max. In fact, alcohol has been off the cards for a while and yet my belly has been growing for 24 weeks now. Yes, for those not in the know already, baby Brammah is due in April. So as an aside, for those of you reading this who are pregnant yourselves or know anyone who is pregnant, I have been filming my Healthy Happy Pregnancy series which you can subscribe to on my Lovefit YouTube channel. Please share as I’d love to reach as many women as possible.
All that is left for me to say is to wish you a very merry Christmas wherever you are! Enjoy 🙂