1) When did you join Lovefit?
– I think 6 years ago (early 2014).

2) What sessions do you do?
– Mon and Wed evening sessions, bootcamps (now called WOW), and more recently barre.

3) What was your original reason for joining?
– I was already familiar with outdoor boot camps in Cambridge, which I enjoyed and then we moved to the ‘Beach so I was looking for something similar. Amber came highly recommended. I also wanted to just keep fit and meet ladies in the village.

4) Why do you keep coming back?
– If I didn’t, I wouldn’t get any exercise. Joke – because I enjoy it, rain or shine, and we all have a good laugh (and Amber is a great teacher!).

5) What is your proudest achievement to date?
– Running the Waterbeach running festival 2019, 5k, in 33 minutes (okay its not the fastest but it was 10 minutes faster than my time 2 years before that, with no training!).

6) What is your favourite exercise?
– I do love an inchworm!

7) What do you do when you’re not training with Amber?
– When I’m not working or travelling to work,  I like travelling. I fly out to Boston usually twice per year for work and often tag on an extra week elsewhere, most recently Vancouver. I also love music and try to get to get to gigs when I can. I have been to many festivals over the years but Latitude is the festival of choice now.

8) What would you say to anyone thinking about signing up with Lovefit?
– Do it! You’ll feel better for the exercise, fresh air and new friends you will make!

Natalie at WOW (June 2018)